A Review: Development and validation of HPLC method
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A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Program of Yoga on Anxiety and Anxiety Symptoms among
Students of Nursing Institute in Madhya Pradesh
Mukesh Kumar Rangari
Volume 9
Issue 3, Jun 2019
ISSN 2277 - 3681
Indexing & Listing
Impact Factor-2.633
Journal of
Pharmaceutical Science and Bioscientific Research
This review describes a strategy for the systematic development of High performance liquid chromatographic
(HPLC) methods. HPLC is an analytical tool which is able to detect, separate and quantify the drug, its various
impurities and drug related degradants that can be generate on synthesis or storage. Most of the drugs in multi
component dosage forms can be analyzed by HPLC method because of the several advantages like rapidity,
specificity, accuracy, precision and ease of automation in this method. HPLC methods development and validation
play important roles in new discovery, development, manufacture of pharmaceutical drugs and various other
studies related to humans and animals. It involves the understanding of chemistry of drug substance and facilitates
the development of analytical method. A number of chromatographic parameters were evaluated in order to
optimize the method. An appropriate mobile phase, column, column temperature, wavelength and gradient must
be found that affords suitable compatibility and stability of drug as well as degradants and impurities. Force
degradation studies are helpful in development and validation of stability-indicating methodology, determination
of degradation pathways of drug substances and drug products, discernment of degradation products in
formulations that are related to drug substances versus those that are related to non–drug substances (e.g.
excipients). This review gives information regarding various stages involved in development and validation of HPLC
method. Validation of HPLC method as per ICH Guidelines covers all the performance characteristics of validation,
like Accuracy, precision, specificity, linearity, range and limit of detection, limit of quantification, robustness and
system suitability testing.
HPLC, method development, validation, accuracy, specificity.
Anxiety is an emotion characterized by an unpleasant state of inner turmoil, often
accompanied by nervous behaviour such as pacing back and forth, somatic
complaints and rumination. Most of us have experienced feeling of apprehension or
physical unease. In this study an experimental one group pre-test post test design
was carried out to assess the effectiveness of yoga on anxiety and anxiety symptoms
among Nursing Students of University College of Nursing R.K.D.F. University Bhopal
Madhya Pradesh Simple Random Sampling technique was adopted for data
collection. On the result found that pre test score found that the majority 21(35.00%)
of subjects had moderate anxiety & Post Test score showed 35(58.33%) students
have mild anxiety. On the basis of the findings, the investigator concluded that yoga
is significant effective on anxiety and anxiety symptoms among Nursing students.
KEY WORDS: Anxiety, Anxiety Symptoms, Yoga.